Reload when editing offline to avoid losing updates
Reload when editing offline to avoid losing updates
Show offline status/state with unsaved edits
Ordinary things don't need to stand out.
Spinner in storage
mark indicating a saved item is complete
Anything out of the ordinary should stand out.
off-line mode
Failed to save = unsaved changes are local
Would be nice to see unsaved changes...
Can be edited offline (saved on the server when you come back online)
I'll edit things offline.
A bug in the drawing left me with stickies that wouldn't disappear.
Unintentionally reload the browser
[Possible loss" alert if there are unsaved changes
The latest status should be saved in localStorage in case of browser crashes, etc.
If I'm editing offline and trying to connect to the internet later, the power might go out.
Next time you load, you should compare the data on the server with the local data and ask in a dialog, "The local data is newer, which one do you want to adopt?
This page is auto-translated from /nishio/オフライン編集の時にリロードして更新を失わないようにする. If you looks something interesting but the auto-translated English is not good enough to understand it, feel free to let me know at @nishio_en. I'm very happy to spread my thought to non-Japanese readers.